Cycling from Punggol to Changi

Hello everyone! longday and opus 44 here. How are you?

One of the things we’ll like to do in this blog is to share our cycling trips around Singapore. Honestly, we are two very weak and non-pro-cyclist people, so the routes here are for the faint-hearted and sluggish types. haha. This is our first cycle and first excursion which started at Punggol and ended at Changi. You can watch our vlog here, but we think you should read the blogpost to get an idea of where we cycled first~

The entire journey took us about 3 hours including a pitstop for lunch and coffee (with our Leiter cups)! Here we go~


Beginning at Lor Halus Bridge

We took the PCN that lead us to Paris Ris. After exiting the PCN, we took a slight left and continued along Pasir Ris Dr 3, until Sungei Api Api Park, which connects to Pasir Ris Park.

Sungei Api Api Park made news recently with the wild boar incident but there’s definitely more to Api Api Park than that. (We’ll explore and let you know more next time…)



From Pasir Ris Park, we followed the signs towards Bedok Reservoir (although that’s not the destination, at least it’s in the right direction!). Somewhere in there, we saw a group of uncles looking at something, so we also stopped to kay poh kay poh (check out what they were looking at). As it turned out, they were birdwatching and there was an Egret in sight. It’s pretty common nowadays to see Egrets around Longkangs but still, it was thrilling to see wildlife amidst our city, so we stopped to look. The uncles soon warned us of an impending rain, and so we left quickly. We wished we could have stayed a bit longer. haha.

Lunch was packed Gimbap and iced coffee!

We took refuge under a void deck, but luckily, apart from a slight drizzle, it didn’t pour. Lunch was a much needed pick me up after a morning of cycling. And drinking coffee from our Leiter cups made us especially happy!

Feeling recharged, we continued along Loyang Ave. If you follow the road, it’s possible to head to Changi beach, but our destination was towards Expo so, instead of heading straight, we took a right at Tampines ave 7 which led us to Tampines ave 2.

After this, it gets slightly complicated, so we’ll just list the road names.

↱ Tampines Ave 7
↑ Tampines Ave 2
↰ Tampines St 31
↑ Simei Rd
↱ Upper Changi Road
Changi City Point

Finally, 3 hours later, we reached Changi! We had hoped to stay on the PCN more so we’ll try again next time to see if there’s a more don’t-need-direction-sense route.


Here is a conclusive route that we took that day, and a vlog to bring you with us to the north east of Singapore!

If you have any cycling routes to recommend or would like us to explore! Please let us know (along with which cups you’ll like us to take, hehe)

That’s all for this post. Till next time!

Wishing all of you reading this a nice end to 2020. May you find some kind of resolution to the year whether in big or little ways. 

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